Classes are 90 minutes and include crib sheet to take home
Group class at your location: $175 or three classes at $165 per class
Individual class at local library: $80 per 45 minutes
*Mileage fees may apply

Lesson Topics
Other topics available upon request. Additional fee may apply.

Introduction to Smartphones (iPhones)
This class serves as a broad introduction to setting up and getting started on a new smartphone. Topics include: the anatomy of an iPhone, navigating the Home Screen, Contacts, Messages, Camera as well as how your phone uses data.

Setting Up Your Phone For Success
This hands-on class focuses on simple changes that personalize your phone to your needs and make it easier to use. We will focus on how things appear on your screen, quickly accessing key contacts, and functional features that will improve your smartphone experience.

E-Books, Audiobooks, and Podcasts
In this class, we’ll cover the basics of e-readers, audiobooks and the free library app, Libby. We will also discuss what a podcast is, how to go about listening to them, and why you’re sure to enjoy them. Topics include: major brands, downloading vs using data, navigation and a step by step demonstration of Libby.

Digital Distractions: Understanding and Taking Control of Smartphone Notifications
Do dings from your smartphone drive you to distraction? Do you receive so many notifications about trivial things that you miss important alerts? In this class we will cover options for taking control of which notifications you see and when you receive notifications, understanding Focus/Do Not Disturb mode, notification terminology, as well as a tutorial on how to set notification preferences.

Smart TVs and Streaming Services
Learn the basics of navigating a Smart TV including how TVs receive content, the pros and cons of streaming, Roku remotes, changing the input and troubleshooting when your channels aren’t working. We will also talk about the differences between popular streaming services along with functional landmarks that can be applied when using any streaming service.

Introduction to Smartphones (Android)
This class serves as a broad introduction to setting up and getting started on a new smartphone. Topics include: the anatomy of an iPhone, navigating the Home Screen, Contacts, Messages, Camera as well as how your phone uses data.

Digital Decluttering: Phones and Tablets
In this class, we'll cover the basics of organizing your digital life. We'll discuss how to understand your phone's memory space and how to see how much space you're using. We'll also discuss what types of files take up the most space, how to use external storage devices and cloud storage, and how to use Apple's suggestions for clearing space. Finally, we'll discuss how to organize your photos using the Photos app.

Staying on Schedule With Smartphones: Email, Calendar, and Clock
Do you feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with your calendar? In this class, we’ll learn how the email and calendar apps can be used as tools to stay active and engaged. We will also take a look at the functions of the clock app.

Apple for All: Accessibility for iPhone Users
Looking to adapt your phone to your needs? Learn about the accessibility features as they relate to vision, hearing, unsteady hands and memory. Topics include: Display and Text Size, Touch Accommodations, Spoken Content, Live Captions, Guided Access and more.

Scam Awareness and Digital Security Basics
This class covers common scam types along with tips for spotting and avoiding scams. We will also talk about what to do if you fall victim to a scam.

Digital Decluttering: Computers
This class covers using File Explorer (PC) or Finder (MAC) to create a folder system for your files. We'll discuss navigation, arranging and naming files and folders, understanding file sizes, using external storage devices and cloud storage, and how to find how much storage is being used on your computer and what types of files are taking up space.

Out and About With Smartphones: Web-browsing, Maps, and Camera
Feeling adventurous? In this class we’ll focus on using your smartphone as a tool to explore your community. We will cover searching with your web browser, how to read URLs, deleting browsing data, using maps to navigate, as well as taking and editing photos that capture your adventures.

Everyday AI
This evolving class serves as a broad overview to artificial intelligence as well as discussing AI that is already integrated into daily life. Topics include: AI for writing, AI for research, AI for reviews, AI for advice, AI for images and how AI uses your data.

Money Apps
More and more financial transactions are happening via smartphones. Whether it be cashing checks or paying bills using mobile banking apps or payments via Venmo or Apple Pay. This class covers popular options so that you can make informed decisions.